Dermatology Cork

Dermatology Service, Acne, Psoriasis, Mole Check

Dermatology Cork, , Acne, Mole Checks, Psoriasis

Dermatology Cork
Welcome to
Carrigtwohill Dermatology Clinic
We welcome new Dermatology patients in our clinic,
led by a GP with a special interest and experience in Dermatology.
Call us today to schedule your appointment.
Mole Checks and skin cancer screening,
Cryosurgery for Verruca & Wart Removal,
Mole Removal, Ingrown toenail removal.
No referrals needed - just contact us directly to book - due to demand we are experiencing increased wait-times for appointments.
Call us today for more information or to arrange an appointment.
Opening Hours...
Monday 9.00am - 5pm
Tuesday 9.00am - 5pm
Wedsnesday 9.00am - 5pm
Thursday 9.00am - 1pm
Friday 9.00am - 5pm

Dermatology Services...
Dermatology & Skin Conditions: Acne, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Rosacea,
Specialised Roaccutane Prescription Service
Minor Surgical Procedures
Skin Cancer Screening (Dermatoscopy)
Cryotherapy & Cryosurgery (Wart & Verruca Removal)
Allergy Testing (Skin Prick & RAST) - service currently unavailable

Carrigtwohill Dermatology Clinic, Unit 1F Eastlink Business Park, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork. T45 H213
Phone: 021 4853831 Fax: 0214883054 Email: sushilranga@live.ie
Out of Hours Emergency GP Care: SouthDoc 0818 355 999